How can the ACTS program happen for my parish community?

The ACTS program starts with parish based ACTS retreats. Four retreats (2 for men and 2 for women) are initially coordinated with ACTS Missions or its’ closest Chapter to develop a group of people from which the ACTS parish ministry can be formed. ACTS Missions or its’ Chapters do not conduct ACTS retreats but assist the interested parish in facilitating the retreat using the ACTS retreat format.

One method allows individual parishioners to attend ACTS retreats given by other parishes. After a substantial number of parishioners have attended an ACTS retreat and have been part of an ACTS retreat team in other parishes, the parish may form a team to facilitate an ACTS retreat for their parish.

A second method calls for individual parishioners to attend an ACTS retreat offered by other parishes. After a minimum of 10 individuals have attended an ACTS retreat and commit to serving on an ACTS retreat team, ACTS Missions or its’ closest Chapter will form an ACTS retreat team composed of those parishioners and persons from other parishes with team experience to facilitate an ACTS retreat for your parish. This first parish ACTS retreat will be facilitated by one of the experienced team members. The other experienced team members will mentor the parish team members. A second parish ACTS retreat can then be given with a team comprised by a majority of parish members. ACTS Chapter can provide several experienced team members, literature, and guidance for this second team. ACTS Chapter will give your ACTS community literature and guidance to facilitate the continuation of the ACTS retreat movement in your parish. The same process is employed in facilitating both men’s and women’s retreats.

A third method calls for ACTS Missions or its’ closest Chapter to come into your parish with a complete ACTS retreat team and facilitate an ACTS retreat for your parish. The team will organize the retreat and recruit parish members to come to the retreat. ACTS Chapter will then facilitate a second ACTS retreat, building the team with parishioners who attended the first retreat and several experienced team members. Future ACTS retreats may then be conducted by your parish, with teams comprised of ACTS parishioners. ACTS Chapter will give your ACTS community literature and guidance to facilitate the continuation of the ACTS retreat movement in your parish. The same process is employed in facilitating both men’s and women’s retreats.