Retreat Chaperones

Adult Retreat Chaperones are needed for both teen retreats.  The first retreat is being sponsored by Corpus Christi in Willimantic and is being held on July 6-9.  The second retreat is being sponsored by St Augustine in North Branford and is being held on August 10-13.  Both retreats are being held at the Immaculata Retreat House.

Would you prayerfully consider sharing your time to help enhance the lives of our Catholic Youth?  If you are already Virtus or Presidium Trained and have completed a background check through your diocese,  we would greatly appreciate your help.  Please click here to request a time or get additional information.

If you are not already trained or if you are new to the process – WE NEED YOU TOO!     It is not difficult to get the required training, but it can take up to 2 months for everything to process, so don’t delay in getting started:

If you reside in the Norwich Diocese:

  • This link will allow you to download the forms need to be completed and submitted to the Safe Environment coordinator at your parish.  If you don’t know who that is, contact your parish secretary and they can help.
  • Once the forms have been processed, your Safe Environments Coordinator will reach out to you with a userid and password to sign on to the training.  This link takes you to the training site.  Once you’ve completed the training and the screening is verified, you can be a chaperone! Click here and reserve a time that works best for you!

To get more information about the Safe Environment program in the Norwich Diocese, click this link which points to the Safe Environment Brochures and Handouts main page.

If you reside in the Hartford Diocese:

  • The following links download the forms need to be completed and submitted to the Safe Environment coordinator at your parish.  If you don’t know who that is, contact your parish secretary and they can help.
    • This link authorizes the diocese to perform a background check on you.
    • This link downloads the Safe Environments Handbook and this link downloads the acknowledgement form confirming that you have read the handbook.
  • Once the forms have been processed, you must attend a training class.  This link takes you to the training site with all of the available dates.  Choose Hartford from the dropdown list and press Select.     Please note that training ends in May for the summer, so you will need to attend a class soon.  Once you’ve completed the training and the screening is verified, you can be a chaperone! Click here and reserve a time that works best for you!

To get more information about the Safe Environment program in the Hartford Diocese, click this link which points to the Safe Environment main page.

For More Information:

You can contact Mark Gadzik at for details or to answer any questions you might have.