
Pat LaPointe – Director –As Director, for ACTS CT she leads Chapter operations, communicates with ACTS Missions and CT Cores, and is an integral member of training teams. Her parish is St. James in Manchester. Fun Fact: she created a family cookbook involving five generations of cooks….loves knitting, quilting, scrap booking and reading. What she loves about ACTS: ACTS started her on a journey to renew her faith and to trust in God again. It served as a necessary healing within her heart that she had been longing for. As a result, she has found a renewed purpose for living, it was truly a gift from the Holy Spirit and it has brought into her life many wonderful people that she is honored to be counted among their friends.

Corinne (Cory) Bourgeois Treasurer As treasurer, she administers all Chapter bank accounts, financial and tax reporting documents. She reports on the financial status of the Chapter on a regular basis, and work with a committee to oversee the financial operations of Chapter. She is from Salem and her parish is St Andrew in Colchester. Fun Fact: She loves hiking, bike riding and spending time with her family. She loves the faith community ACTS provides. She loves that an individual can share their faith journey with others and grows by leaps and bounds in their faith because of the awesome people they are surrounded with, and the love for our Lord, Jesus Christ that is shared by all.

Sandy Calabro – Secretary As secretary she records and prepares the meeting minutes, and posts progress on all action items. Her parish is St Michael the Archangel in Pawcatuck. Fun Fact: She is from Michigan and a huge U of Michigan sports fan!!! She loves to travel and make sure her suitcase gets regular exercise. What she loves about ACTS: that she has acquired so many sisters and brothers through ACTS that share her faith, values, and desire to serve others.

Ilise Messiore- co-secretary. She serves as secretary in the secretary’s absence. She is from Northford and is a member of St. Ambrose in North Branford. Fun fact: She was raised Jewish and converted in 2015. Her favorite food is ice cream and she love going to NYC to see Broadway shows with her daughters! She loves the spiritual connection that she was able to find in God and her ACTS community. She loves unconditional love and support she found in the ACTS family!

Leo Letendre – Core Liaison As Chapter Core Liaison he works to improve communication between Chapter and Cores. He serves as a point of contact between Chapter and Cores. He assists when needed to create reunion or reconnect events. He is from Oakdale, CT and his parish is St. Agnes in Niantic. Fun Fact: he enjoys being a fisher of men and largemouth bass. What he loves about ACTS is that he gets to see the hand of the Holy Spirit at work.

Jim Percy – Catholic Guide As Catholic Guide he provides opportunities for spiritual growth of the Chapter. . He is from Our Lady Queen of Peace Community in Coventry, CT and a member of the Willimantic Core. Fun Fact: he is married to a wonderful lady (Elizabeth) for 50+ years. They were married on Christmas Eve in 1968. What he likes ab out ACTS is that it is the most effective evangelization tool he has ever experienced.

Chip Griffin is from Griswold and attends Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Norwich. . Fun fact: He is an Amateur Radio Operator and holds an Extra Class License granted by the FCC, He has been licensed since 1992 and an Extra since 2007. He loves sharing his faith with others especially with those who, like him, have drifted from the faith. Sharing in the celebration of the mass and the sharing of the music gives him joy. He loves to share what he has learned about the faith and especially loves learning more about the faith

Jeff Duigou – Liaison to Bishop Cote. As Chapter Liaison he works to improve communication between Chapter and the Bishop of the Norwich Diocese. He serves as a point of contact between Chapter and the Diocese of Norwich. He is from Colchester, CT and attends Guardian Angels Parish (a.k.a. St Andrew’s R.C. Church). He is also a trained mentor for ACTS Retreats. Fun Facts: He loves to go deep sea fishing with friends and bring home the tales of the fishing trip (along with fresh fillets). What he likes about ACTS is to see the transformation of retreatants with their new found personal relationship with our heavenly father.

Veronica Beaudoin – Core Liaison and Liaison to Archbishop BlairVeronica Beaudoin- CORE Liason. As a Chapter CORE Liason, she works to build communications between CORE and Chapter members. Her parish is St. Joseph Church in Bristol. Fun Fact: She is from Texas and loves to travel, especially places where she can put her hiking shoes to good use. ACTS retreats have made a great impact in her spiritual life and has infused in her heart a zeal for wanting more of Christ. The love and connections made among ACTS sisters and brothers puts Matthew 18:20 into action. (“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”)

Hank Tessier –: Is from Plainville and attends the Church of St. Dominic, Southington, CT. He is a past member of St Dominic Core. He is married to his best friend and love of his life, Jennifer, for over 41 years. When not working, serving, or volunteering, he prefers to be outside in God’s great outdoors doing almost anything, cycling, hiking, golfing, fishing, sailing, etc.
OPEN POSITION- Retreat Support (W) As women’s retreat support she provides guidance on facilitating ACTS retreats with reverent simplicity as prescribed by ACTS Missions, provides guidance on all retreat logistics (i.e. registration, supplies), and actively promotes innovative logistics thinking
OPEN POSITION Quarter master As quartermaster, he maintains an inventory of all Chapter supplies and make sure that items missing are replaced in a timely manner.
OPEN POSITION– Retreat Support (M) . As men’s retreat support he provides guidance on facilitating ACTS retreats with reverent simplicity as prescribed by ACTS Missions, provides guidance on all retreat logistics (i.e. registration, supplies), and actively promotes innovative logistics thinking
– Community & Special Events – In the role of special events coordinator she helps to organize gatherings for the larger ACTS CT community.
– Core Liaison As Chapter Core Liaison he works to improve communication between Chapter and Cores. He serves as a point of contact between Chapter and Cores. He assists when needed to create reunion or reconnect events
Open position – Youth ministry As Youth ministry they have a comprehensive understanding of Teen ACTs, are responsible for missioning Teen ACTS in our Chapter, and eventually will become responsible for Teen ACTS training and development in Ct.
Pamala Barker-Jones – ACTS-CT Database/Records As data base coordinator, she works with the cores to maintain an accurate core wide database. In the role of special events
Leo Letendre – ACTS-CT Website As the ACTS CT website person, he communicates, coordinates and keeps current all aspects of social media and electronic communication. He trouble shoots and advise when problems of a technical nature arises.